Monday, April 14, 2008

Puppet Tutorial N' Update

Our little bouncing puppet friend, who I still say is creepy looking:

...and it would seem that uploading killed some of it. It does bounce a bit more than blogger chooses to show here.

I've also been working on storyboards. They're not done yet, but here's a screenshot of them:

... and a bit of character design. I'm not sure if this will be the final look for him or not (Because it's still quite detailed with the feathers). It might be, though.


saiba tudo sobre tudo said...

Samantha "Spot" de G. said...

^ Awesome, I got a spam comment. XD

toddhopp said...

Nice design. But are you going symbol based animation, limited, or full animation? If full be careful with too much complexity in the wings. Complexity is time, but if you got time more power to ya! Can't wait to see more work!