Monday, March 24, 2008

Post 2 - Favorite Animation

I told you in my first post, I don't like picking favorites. Each one is special in their one way. However, for the point of this post, I'll stick with The Lion King.

Disney movie animation in general has a clean, crisp look to it that I like, and I particularly favor stories that focus around animal characters (when trying to choose my career path back in senior year of high school, I was torn between animation and zoology, which should tell you that I love animals that much). I suppose I can't nail down specifics about why it's my favorite; it's more or less the culmination of all of it's components. It has a good story, is beautifully portrayed, does a good job of developing the traits and displaying the personal struggles of the characters, has a culturally rich and exotic soundtrack, and altogether does what an animation should do - create the suspension of disbelief that these are real characters with real trials, and move us emotionally.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like how you described the Lion King. Though, I was not one that I picked I still enjoy it as a movie and the animation in it as well.